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Challenges: Broad and inclusive policy for adult education is needed

The main challenge for adult learning and education in Portugal in the upcoming year will include the launch of the National Plan on Adult Literacy. In the upcoming year, APCEP’s focus is on adult literacy and adult education for democracy and citizenship. As a recommendation to the government, APCEP urges the government to prepare a white paper on adult education, based on a wide participation of public, private and civil society institutions and organisations. This white paper could then inform a National Plan for Adult Education, followed up by concrete measures of implementation.

According to ESEC the main challenge for Portugal is an adult learning policy that goes beyond qualification purposes. Qualification is important but not sufficient for a broad, inclusive and holistic perspective of adult education. A broader, inclusive policy of adult education and stability is urgent for the sector. 

At the moment the sector is facing great instability and uncertainty for learners and professionals, aggravated by COVID-19. Another major challenge is to reach people with low basic skills. EAEA’s members are hoping that the National Plan for Adult Literacy will become a reality soon, addressing these issues.